Stacy Berman
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Dr. Stacy Berman

Doctor. Shaman. New Yorker.

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Because something is wrong or missing and we have no idea what it is.


You’ve known this for awhile and have been unable to pinpoint it. Depression, anxiety, and general bad feelings have been kicking your butt for longer than necessary.

We can unpack all that. LET’S GET STARTED

Why we need this


There is an unnatural disconnect between humans and ourselves. Together, we heal that disconnect.


Because our bodies operate better with it.

Our bodies cannot hate themselves and expect sustained success on health and wellness goals. Our bodies actually need positive thoughts to thrive, just like drinking water and eating our veggies. The only environment our bodies and minds can achieve and sustain physical and mental health is in a positive one. Perceiving ourselves negatively affects our biochemistry, which directly affects our nervous system, which ultimately affects our overall health.

If you want to change your body image and negative self dialogue LET’S DO IT

Because disconnection is symptomatic of modern life but not necessary.

Connectivity is imperative. In a world where we are conditioned to avoid dealing with painful issues we disconnect from ourselves. That’s when we start experiencing negative emotional states, chronic pain and disease. Our bodies are trying to speak to us.

You’ve tried everything else but nothing has worked. LET’S WORK TOGETHER


Because We Are Worthy of a Limitless Life.

I was exactly where you were. I couldn’t find… it. That thing that made life worth living. A PHd, a fitness career, years studying under a shaman, a guru, healers, therapist, doctors and quantum physicists, and 26 years later, things finally started to make sense.

I’m not telling you it will take 26 years. I’m not telling you it will take 26 days. I’m telling you it will take WORK. And you are worthy of that hard work. I’m telling you we will do it together. Because finding your purpose in this brief life should not only supersede all other goals. It will clarify all the other ones.

It’s time to let go. It’s time to heal. It’s time to clear, connect and create. TAKE THE JOURNEY WITH ME

Many people got to know Stacy Berman by getting their asses handed to them at one of her Stacy’s Bootcamp sessions in Central Park. A pioneer in the fitness industry, Stacy created the first all year outdoor bootcamp in NYC back in 1999. Called a “NYC fitness icon” by Forbes Magazine, Stacy trail-blazed the way for the global boutique fitness craze we see today.

It was during her rise in the fitness arena and her own that Stacy realized spiritual and mental healing is not only as imperative as physical wellness, but that they are irrevocably intertwined.

This began her work in psychoneuroimmunology. Stacy now holds a PhD in Natural Medicine, is a Shaman of the Hopi tradition, works with Plant Medicine, is a movement and somatic specialist, sex expert, a Reiki Master, trained in Bioresonance Analysis of Health, ACMOS Method, and Compassionate Inquiry practitioner. Stacy has studied under Dr. Pillai, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Amit Goswami, Dr. Gabor Mate’, MD, Dr. Baskaran Pillai, Dr. Thomas Sculz, MD and Dr. Bruce Lipton. Stacy has over twenty six years of experience in the health, healing and wellness industry where she worked with a broad spectrum of people from celebrity Chef Bobby Flay to triathletes to business people.

Stacy is presently writing a book on Body Mapping and Character Armor, that combines over twenty years in the health and wellness industries with scientific research to reveal how our thoughts and feelings are reflected in our body posture and movement. She is a presently in production for for a network TV show highlighting her work as a doctor and healer. Stacy is truly a forerunner in the mind - body holistic health movement with tens of thousands of hours of real life experience.